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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Microsoft Ditches Kinect... Kinect-less Xbox One Goes For $400

|-Game News, Reviews, and Rants-|
Microsoft Ditches Kinect… Kinect-less Xbox One Goes For $400

Hi, all! It’s B Chace here, and, quite frankly, I’m rather aggravated with Microsoft. I saw this move coming; I just didn’t expect it to be taken so drastically…

The Kinect. The Kinect was Microsoft’s premier device, which was to be the center-piece of the Xbox One all-in-one home entertainment system. The Xbox One was designed with the Kinect in mind, used to navigate the various menus, and with voice commands, start up a game, or even open Netflix to watch your favorite show. Granted, the Kinect was far from perfect. It had several bugs, glitches, and sometimes had trouble deciphering voice commands. That’s to be expected with a new model; however, that’s not my problem.

            I’d like to make a complaint, especially considering that the early adopters, such as myself, purchased the Xbox One willingly at the price point of $500. I am a dedicated Microsoft supporter (not a fanboy), and I have always chosen Microsoft Xbox as my console. With Microsoft’s most recent drop in price, and the removal of the Kinect, has left a bad taste in my mouth. Let me explain why…

            As a ‘Day One’ buyer, I did not have the option to buy a Kinect-less Xbox One. I had no choice in the matter, it was either buy the Xbox One (with Kinect) or to pass on the Xbox One, and buy the PS4. If you can imagine my dilemma, I was not a fan of most of PS4’s line-up at launch, so, I pre-ordered and purchased the Xbox One regardless if I wanted to the Kinect or not. I was willing to give the Kinect a chance, and I don’t regret it. It has been a convenient change, allowing me to, hands free, operate my system. It’s a great feeling (when it works properly), and the Kinect integration to my favorite games added to the experience.

            Come to find out, Microsoft is not only selling a Kinect-less Xbox One, but they are also going to stop supporting the device. ‘Da Faq?’ < That’s what most gamers are thinking, including myself. I have honestly felt mistreated by Microsoft in such a way that I haven’t felt in quite some time. These feelings would be entirely different IF Microsoft was still actively supporting the device. Now that they aren’t going to continually support the device, I might as well throw it away, as the voice recognition is still buggy, and the device is overall a mess (this is after a recent patch, which adjusted voice recognition). I am utterly pissed off, and I feel that some sort of compensation is in order. However! There is something that we as gamers need to consider, and that is the overall community of Xbox that has dwindled because of bad publicity, and poor choices by the company. Always on, ’24-hour check-ins’, and anti-used games, among other policies, were over-stated, and were anti-consumer.

            Do I support Microsoft selling the Xbox One without Kinect? Yes. This will bolster sales, and allow them to ACTUALLY compete with Sony’s PS4, which has nearly doubled the sales of the Xbox One. However, Microsoft should NOT drop Kinect support. Selling it as an option, consumers will knowingly NOT buy it because, if they did their research (lol) they would know that Microsoft will not be supporting it. I don’t only feel bad for the consumers, like me, who bought into the Kinect, but the developers who invested millions of dollars into developing software for the damned device. They won’t even be receiving a return investment for their hard work, which is shameful.

            Microsoft, please, get your act together, and listen to the community that you have wronged on so many levels. Games for Gold getting revamped? *clap* an excellent suggestion, I’m finally being rewarded (on Xbox One) for paying 60+ a year for your service, where I can play for free on Steam. Actively rewarding your customers (like Sony’s PS+ service) keeps me subscribed. It’s the same concept as subscribing to an MMORPG. Keep me happy with content updates, game balance, and optional cosmetic items, you have my money. Mistreat me, well, you’ll lose me as a customer.

              With Phil Spencer on board, I am confident that things will turn around, and the real focus will be turned to the people who make the Xbox division its money- the gamers. Phil, I have faith that I will be blown away at E3 this year. If I’m disappointed, well, I can always sell my Xbox One and focus on my PC. The ball is in your court, Microsoft, make your move…
            LET’S MAKE 2014 THE YEAR FOR XBOX ONE!

            Game on, guys!


            … I want my $100 back!

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