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Monday, June 9, 2014

Playing Catch Up

|-Game News, Reviews, and Rants-|
Playing Catch Up (With My Blog)
Hi, all! It’s Bchace here! Now, I know what you’re thinking, yes, I know it’s been a while since my last blog post (Give or take a month). I do sincerely apologize, my dear viewers. It’s been so busy around here in good ol’ MA! Lots of life changing experiences and opportunities. Let’s play catch up a bit, shall we? Then we can get to what you really want to hear about… GAMES!
            Okay, so… where do I start? I’m mobile! Yes, yes… I now am officially a proud owner of a ’99 Nissan Altima. I can’t even explain how amazing it is to be able to bring my girlfriend to and from work, pick up and reserve video games at Game Stop, and just being able to get around in general. I don’t have to rely on my friends (or family) for rides anymore, and that’s an amazing feeling. Of course, having general anxiety, coupled with the fear of driving, really made the transition difficult. I’ve always had trouble getting behind the wheel, to the point where I would have panic attacks, and lose control of the wheel. I almost ran into a power line one time, solely because I was so terrified to even turn the wheel. Strangely enough, I got over that fear at a hurried pace, due to the fact that, well, I needed to get to work, and my family refused to drive me now that I had a registered vehicle.
            Everything is looking bleak on the job front… yeah, you heard me. Job prospects, after all the applications I have continued to put out, haven’t been panning out like I had hoped they would. Managers that say they received my application, and that they “will call”, which generally means that they won’t call you. It’s unfortunate, but, that’s okay. With a bit of luck, I just recently started a job as a scribe at my local college for a disabled student. It was my first day today, and it actually went rather smoothly. He’s a very nice guy, and he appreciates everything that my position does for him. Our personalities seem to click very well, too! Unfortunately, I cannot help him with his work (or tutor him) … I had a talking to (in a polite manner) with his instructor, who was also in the same position as I was. I am simply a pair of hands (and a pen and paper) nothing more than that.
            In other news, to those of you who have been dutifully following my gaming blog (Thanks again, beeteedubs!) I am looking into starting a film blog, where I will be discussing various aspects of cinematography, among other things, and reviewing recent films that I have seen. I will post a link when I have my first article up!
            Unfortunatley, I have a bit of bad news…
            It’s nothing entirely serious, but, my gaming budget has been severely cut, which will unfortunately set back my gaming blog. I only have so many games I can trade in to Game Stop before I will run out, and, you know me, I don’t trade in my favourite titles. With the recent addition of a smart phone ($45), gas ($40-80 per month) and Car ($50+) and my hours getting cut back at work, it’s going to be hard to continue gaming, or at the very least, buy new titles. Thankfully, I preemptively purchased Warlords of Draenor, and I was able to pick up Watch Dogs, and pay off Super Smash Bros 3DS. Those may be my best friends for quite a while, until new job prospects (which will pay a bit more $$$) turn up. Granted, I love my jobs, and I love helping people… BUT (There’s always a ‘but’) I’m not paid well. $8 an hour and 18 a week isn’t going to allow me to put any cash into a savings.
            Sorry, I’m rambling…
            Anyways, I hope you enjoyed his bit of a ‘catch-up’ blog. It makes me feel good that I have avid readers (such as you) who take the time out of your day to read my content. Really, it means a lot.
            June 9th… you know what the means?!
Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014
My opinions, and coverage of this event…

Yes, soon!

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